The Know How of Wow
The prime system created by Thinkergy for reliably producing creative, innovative and actionable ideas.
X-IDEA is Thinkergy’s Know How of Wow! A proprietary innovation method that helps you produce more meaningful, innovative ideas and results. By following our systematic thinking process you will discover new insights, develop fresh ideas, and create innovative solutions to any challenge.

The 5 Stages of X-IDEA
"X-Idea is like design thinking on steriods!"
Some of X-IDEA’s Unique Features
There is so much more to X-IDEA than meets the eye!
In the design of X-IDEA, we included a number of special features that both make going through an innovation project seem well-structured yet fun for the project participants. More importantly, Thinkergy elevated these special design features into an easy-to-learn “cheat-note system” that enables our X-IDEA Innovation Guides to maneuver the complexities of a messy innovation project with confidence and ease.
Academic Award for X-IDEA
X-IDEA won a major international award for its practical implications for technology as sponsored and selected by the Global Head of Ideation and Innovation Management of Nokia Group at the ISPIM Asia-Pacific Innovation Forum 2014 in Singapore. An academic conference paper of Dr. Detlef Reis, on the inner workings and benefits of the X-IDEA Innovation Method & Toolbox won the Best Paper on practical implications for Technology Award of Nokia at the ISPIM Asia-Pacific Innovation Forum 2014.

The X-IDEA® Innovation Toolbox
150+ different innovation tools that bring your organization to the next level

Innovation Toolbox
The X-IDEA Toolbox initially contains 150+ different tools. While walking you through the five process stages of the X-IDEA Innovation Method, we select the most appropriate thinking tools and creativity techniques from our X-IDEA Tool Box for your specific project.



New Car Interior Design Concepts For Asia
Thinkergy led a multidisciplinary team from BMW’s Research & Innovation Center in Munich, in an X-IDEA Innovation Project aimed at developing new concepts for the interiors of their luxury cars for Asia.