
Thinkergy Minneapolis Office

Thinkergy Minneapolis

Since 2016, the Twin Cities has been the first entry point for Thinkergy in the USA, the biggest marketplace for innovation in the world. Set in the heart of the Midwest, Minneapolis is close to many major US business hubs where we envision our avant-garde innovation methods to helping to stimulate a fresh wave of innovative renewal and growth.

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The people that know how to wow!

Dr. D

Created by Founder and Chief Ideator, Dr. Detlef Reis (Dr. D), Thinkergy is taught and implemented by the United Creative Brains of Thinkergy – a global network of certified business professionals, decorated academics and independent experts.
Certified TIPS Trainer
Certified X-IDEA & TIPS Trainer
Innovation Trainer & Guide
Innovation Trainer & Consumer Insights Specialist
Holistic Marketing Communicator, Digital Marketer & Innovation Facilitator
Innovation Facilitator
Innovation Trainer & Guide, Project Manager
Innovation Trainer & Guide, Project Manager
Innovation Facilitator, Event Organizer & All-Rounder
Innovation Trainer
Innovation Facilitator
Innovation Trainer & Designer

Some of our clients