Greenpeace Southeast Asia contacted Thinkergy to see if we would be willing to help them create an impactful campaign pipeline for the coming 3 years.
Since we want to support NGOs who —like us— pursue a worthy cause, we agreed to run a 3-day X-IDEA Innovation Project for Greenpeace at a very special price. The project was to take place as part of a week-long regional conference that took place in a seaside resort in Chonburi, Thailand. Over 100 delegates from 3 countries (Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand) were split-up into 10 teams, each of which worked on one particular challenge that Greenpeace wanted to address in the coming years. Thereby, the challenges focused on five main areas that were identified as important by Greenpeace Southeast Asia: stopping deforestation; preservation of maritime resources and oceans; climate change & sustainable energy solutions; toxic pollutions; and talent acquisition.
On the first workshop day, the teams were sent on the Xplorer’s Journey to five different stations, where the teams had to Xplore their challenges with the help of specific X-Tools. The second day saw an intense morning of outdoor ideation-activities, where over 7,000 raw ideas got developed, before the teams went on to turn those into meaningful idea concepts in the Development-Stage in the afternoon. After an Evaluation-phase in the morning of the third and last day, the 10 teams each presented their top 5 campaign concepts related to their respective challenge to a grand forum. One of the pitched top ideas relating to one of the ten challenges (“How to clean-up the dirtiest river in the world?”) formulated a campaign that targeted a renowned financial institution funding many of those factories that pollute the Citarum River in West Java. Check out the website of Greenpeace Southeast Asia for more information on their work — as since the end of the workshop, the Greenpeace teams have activated a number of the “Wow”-campaign concepts that came out of the X-IDEA Innovation Project.

“In December 2011 we worked with Thinkergy to bring a new and innovative approach to our campaign planning process. Over the course of 3 days our staff from around the region (approx. 100 people from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand) used the X-IDEA approach to find new ways to tackle some of the most important environmental challenges facing the world today (climate change, deforestation; preservation of oceans and toxic pollutions) plus the organizational challenge of staff / talent acquisition. After going through the stages of the X-IDEA Innovation Method, the 10 teams each presented their top 5 campaign concepts related to their respective challenge to a grand forum on the third and last day of the event. Over the next month these concepts were developed further and became key elements of our work in 2012.”